Dagupan City Dental Clinic

Dentist in Dagupan Pangasinan

Dentist in Dagupan
Dr. Ronna Angela Landingin Untalan
Dr. Jesus Orlando Miclat Lecitona
Coquia Building
275 Caranglaan District,
Dagupan City
Phone: +63 908 882 2322
+63 929 696 6232

2 thoughts on “Dagupan City Dental Clinic”

  1. I am new here in Dagupan, so I am looking for a dentist that would help me with my tooth problem. I have (2) jackets and false (2) teeth in front. It’s been almost 7 years, and now I am having a toothache with one of my jackets teeth. How much if I would like to replace it to porcelain or the regular jackets.

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